Landmarks of Engineering: Braking

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Museum Event
Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
February 8, 2014
Photos by
Andrew Taylor

While everyone can appreciate the advantage of going fast in a race car, being able to stop can be equally important in reaching the finish line first. Dr. Simeone looked at five cars that represented the zenith of brake design, in their time.

  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking
  • Landmarks of Engineering: Braking

Hours and Info

6825 Norwitch Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19153
Tuesday – Friday 10AM through 6PM
Saturday – Sunday 10AM through 4PM
Closed Mondays and Major Holidays

About the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum

Located in Philadelphia, PA, the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum is one of the world’s greatest collections of racing sports cars. Through our theme, “The Spirit of Competition”, we celebrate the history and evolution of these magnificent machines.

Assembled over 50 years by Dr. Frederick Simeone, the Museum contains over 75 historically significant cars including Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Bugatti, Mercedes, Jaguar, Bentley, Porsche, Aston Martin, Corvette, Ford, and more.

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