We want to thank our friend Brad Jacobson for filling in for our normal photographer Andrew Taylor for this Demo Day event. Photos shown are from PA Squared.
Best of Britain Award – Open 1933 Squire Roadster – Frederick A. Simeone Foundation...
Dr. Simeone discussed the thrill of demonstrating cars is not only in their beauty in motion. Some of them make...
Dr. Simeone discussed one of the most common questions the Simeone Museum is asked, “How did you come to acquire so many special and rare cars?”
Our new photography initiative Hot Shot consists of images submitted by professional and amateur photographers and were taken at Simeone Museum events. We want to thank everyone that sent their favorite "hot shots" our way.
Squire built these cars to such a high standard, and at such great cost, which unfortunately put the company out...
Great Britain has produced some of the most legendary sports cars ever, which has long held the imagination of American...
The Demo Day began with a discussion about the leading British Automobile Designers. The 1934 MG K3 Magnette, 1936 Aston...
Racing with both hands on the wheel…! This demo day featured cars with the pre-selector gearbox and a discussion about...
Noted automotive photographer Michael Furman and Simeone Museum staff photographer Andrew Taylor discussed automotive photography and covered both the Artistic...
Automobiles that just the flow of their bodylines, can elicit emotion even when standing still were discussed as Pantheons of...
The Demo Day featured 7 beautiful classic cars from England: the Squire Roadster, Jaguar SS 100, Bentley Van Vooren Streamliner,...