Our car was owned by aviators and lived a very interesting life. It is in unrestored, original condition, and only...
Certain cars have so much style that they make anyone stand out from the crowd. Four cars were examined from...
The DuPont Motor Company was discussed, beginning with its first car, the Model A in 1919 to its demise during...
Dr. Simeone discussed the difference between a sports car which was made to look beautiful and one which was made...
The Brickyard is over 100 years old and has played host to some of the most competitive matches in the...
Pre-war automobiles had a lot to be desired and required a lot of maintenance and technical know how to operate...
Driving Demonstration featuring our 1929 duPont 2-Passenger Speedster. Video shot at Salon - American Playboy Demo Day at the Simeone Museum.